Build complete!

A while back I picked up crazy old frame on ebay and I’ve been tinkering with it ever since. This past weekend I put the final(ish) touches on building it up and so far I’m loving it. LOVE. ING. IT.

Build complete!I say finished-ish because i don’t trust my building skills so I need to get someone who actually knows what they are doing to double check my handiwork to make sure i didn’t build a death trap before I’m super confident to ride it around in the streets. Also it’s the first bike I’ve ever ridden with drop bars and I still am not 100% sold on them so we’ll see what happens.

I actually wasn’t planning on building out another fixed gear when I started this project, I was hoping to build out a road bike but found that frame and couldn’t pass it up. Today I decided I’d take it by my friend Mr. Jalopy’s bike shop and show him how it turned out and also let him know that I hadn’t completely forsaken the road bike I’d told him I wanted to build, just pushed it back a bit. That is, until he pulled out this beauty:

Benotto  Frame

And I was forced to buy it on the spot. I mean, seriously, look at this cut out on the bottom bracket, how could I say no? So now, minutes after finishing the build of the Masi I’m onto a build of a Benotto. And I’m thinking of taking one of the fixed gears up to SF since I seem to be there a lot and having something to ride would be swank. So yeah, I guess I’m obsessed or something. Fun!